prawạti doy ỳx
HStars" 40STD sī rīs̄̒ kherụ̄̀xng thả n̂ả yĕn bæb s̄k rū s̄ pery̒ s̄k rū rabāy khwām r̂xn d̂wy n̂ả chı̂ khxmphers̄sexr̒ bæb s̄k rū khū̀ thī̀ mī pras̄ithṭhip̣hāph s̄ūng kherụ̄̀xng ra h̄ey bæb s̄ pery̒ pras̄ithṭhip̣hāph s̄ūng thī̀ phạtʹhnā k̄hụ̂n xeng læa p̄hlit k̄hụ̂n R22 pheīyng 34a s̄ār thảkhwām yĕn pras̄ithṭhip̣hāph kār chı̂ phlạngngān s̄ūng t̄hụng 5.5 H̄ǹwy mī k̄ĥxkảh̄nd mātrṭ̄hān 20 rāykār
yī̀h̄̂x: HStars)[22m
Translations of [4mSpray Type Screw Water Cooled Chiller
HStars" 40STD series spray screw water-cooled chiller adopts high-efficiency twin-screw compressor, self-developed and manufactured high-efficiency spray evaporator, R22, just 34a refrigerant, energy efficiency up to 5.5. The unit has 20 standard specifications.